Paul Thistle logo
University of Nevada Las Vegas  
BEH 526


Dept. of Finance
4505 Maryland Pkwy
Box 6008
Las Vegas NV 89154


Dept. of Finance
Lee Business School



The tragic shooting on October 1 has had and will continue to have a profound impact on many lives. Students who hhave been affected and feel that they need to speak to someone may contact CAPS at 702-895-3627 (M-T, 9-6, F 9-5). The Disaster Distress Helpline (1-800-985-5990) provides immediate crisis counseling 24/7.

Clark County Voter Registration HERE

COVID19 Information

Center for Disease Control

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How to wash your hands

Don't Touch Your Face




Paul Thistle is Professor of Finance at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He earned his B.B.A. from the University of Portland and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Economics from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the Department, he taught at the University of Arizona, the University of Alabama and Western Michigan University. During 1990-1991 he was a Heubner Post-Doctoral Fellow in Insurance at the Wharton School. He teaches photocourses in insurance and risk management and corporate risk management as well as other courses in finance. He served as Chair of the Finance Department from 2009-2015. He is a former President of the American Risk and Insurance Association, the Risk Theory Society and the Western Risk and Insurance Association.

His research interests are primarily in insurance economics and corporate finance. His current projects focus on liability insurance, public policy on the use of genetic tests in insurance and on CEO compensation. He has published in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Journal of Business, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Review of Economics and Statistics and other journals.

  Office Hours: email me with
  FIN 301 1003 MW 2:30-3:45 pm remote
  MBA 765 1001 MW 5:30-6:45 remote

The best online tools for personal finance HERE (from WSJ)
Evaluate Arguments Using a Simple Flowchart
Net neutrality explained
All the financial advice you need fits on a 4x6 index card
Two-thirds of the world can't pass this financial literacy test
Should you rent or buy? (NYT)
USGS Earthquake Map
Productivity and Lifehacks for College Students
Are you in the 1%? Find out here: US Income Distribution, 2017 US Wealth Distribution
What are Good Grades Worth?
Is College Worth It? (Priceonomics)
Can You Live on the Minimum Wage? (NYT)
What would disappear (NYT)
Employment Opportunity
Why Studying is Better Than Sex
Danger of Death (Don't worry about asteriod strikes)
The Odds of Dying (Don't worry about asteroid strikes)
How Not to Kill YOurself With Household Items
Workers Comp: How Much is a Limb Worth?
Are you afraid of snakes?
Dream Big
The Road to Success
Cognitive Biases
Logical Fallacies
Financial Crisis, Recession and Reform HERE

Risk Management Blogs
Risk Management Monitor (RIMS)
Clear Risk Blog
Operational Risk Management
Enterprise Resiliance Management

Health Care and Health Care Reform HERE
American are dying because they can't afford medical care
Big Pharma Payments and Doctors Prescribing
""U.S. Health Care is a Mess" (
Transparency in Medical Pricing
IOM Report Summary and Recommendations

The Relative Imprortance of CEOs and Non-CEOs Over Firm Performance, (with A. Bolinger and J. Brookman), Journal of Management and Organization, forthcoming.
Large Losses and Equilibrium in Insurance Markets, (with L. Posey), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 2019 44(2): 222-244.
The Use of Genetic Testing Information in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options, with A. Nill and E. Laczniak, Journal of Business Ethics, (2019) 156: 105-121
Automobile Insurance and Driver Ability: Contract Choice as a Screening Mechanism (with L. Posey), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2017) 42: 141-170
Endogenous Information, Adverse Selection and Prevention: Implications for Genetic Testing Policy, with R. Peter and A. Richter, Journal of Health Economics, (2017), 55:95-107.
The Effect of Ambiguity on Risk Management Choices: An Experimental Study, with V.Bajtelsmit and J. Coates, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, (2015) 50: 249-280.

Liability, Insurance and the Incentive to Obtain Information About Risk, with V. Bajtelsmit, Geneva Risk and Isurance Revew, (2015) 40:171-193. SCOR-GRIR Best Paper Award, Vol. 40, 2015.

Managerial Compensation: Luck, Skill or Labor Markets, with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (2013) 21: 252-268.
Background Risk in the Principal Agent Model, with J. Ligon, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2013) 38:115-126.
The IPO Market as a Screening Device and the Going Public Decision: Evidence from Acquisitions of Privately- and Publicly-Held Firms, with T. Mantecon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (October, 2011) 37: 325-361.
A Tale of Two Internet Service Providers: A Risk Management Perspective, with R. Aalberts and P. Poon, Communications of the ACM, (April, 2010) 53: 119-123. 
Negligence, Ignorance and the Demand for Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (December 2009) 34:105-116
Detours and Frolics on the Internet: Employer Liability and Management Control of Cybertorts, with R. Aalberts and D. Hames, Journal of Business Research, (December 2009) 62:1335-1341.
CEO Tenure, the Risk of Termination and Firm Value, with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (June 2009) 15: 1335-1341
The Reasonable Person Negligence Standard and Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75:815-823.
Adverse Selection with Frequency and Severity Risk: Alternative Risk Sharing Provisions, with J. Ligon, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75: 825-846
More publications and working papers, HERE





© 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018 Paul Thistle All rights reserved