Research |
Selected and Recent Publications |
Large Losses and Equilibrium in Insurance Markets (with L. Posey) Genevad Risk and Insurance Review, forthcoming. |
Automobile Insurance and Driver Ability: Contract Choice as a Screening Mechanism (with L. Posey), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2017) 42: 141-170 |
Endogenous Information, Adverse Selection and Prevention: Implications for Genetic Testing Policy, with R. Peter and A, Richter, Journal of Health Economics, (2017) 55: 95-107. |
The Use of Genetic Testing in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options (with A. Nill and E. Laczniak), Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming |
The Effect of Ambiguity on Rick Management Choioce: An Experimental Study (with V. Bajtelsmit and J. Coats), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2015) 50: 249-280. |
Liability, Insurance and the Incentive to Obtain Information About Risk (with V. Bajtelsmit), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2015) 40:171-193. |
Mangerial Compensation: Luck, Skill or Labor Markets? with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (2013) 21:252-268 |
Background Risk in the Principal Agent Model, with J. Ligon, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2013): 38:115-126 |
The IPO Market as a Screening Device and the Going Public Decision: Evidence from Acquisitions of Privately- and Publicly-Held Firms, with T. Mantecon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (October, 2011) 37: 325-361 |
A Tale of Two Internet Service Providers: A Risk Management Perspective, with R. Aalberts and P. Poon, Communications of the ACM, (April, 2010) 53: 119-123. |
Negligence, Ignorance and the Demand for Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (December 2009) 34: 1-5-116. |
Detours and Frolics on the Internet: Employer Liability and Management Control of Cybertorts, with R. Aalberts and D. Hames, Journal of Business Research, (December 2009), 62: 1335-1341. |
The Common Law and Its Impact on the Internet, with R. Aalberts, D. Hames and P. Poon, Advances in Computers, M. Zelkowitz (ed.), Elsevier, forthcoming. |
CEO Tenure, the Risk of Termination and Firm Value, with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (June 2009) 15: 331-344. |
The Relative Impact of Public Information in Shaping Investor Expectations, with J. Burnett and C. Carroll, Journal of Applied Business Research, (March/April, 2009), 25: 51-68 |
The Reasonable Person Negligence Standard and Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75:815-823. |
Adverse Selection with Frequency and Severity Risk: Alternative Risk-Sharing Provisions, with J. Ligon, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75:825-846. |
Moral Hazard and Background Risk in Competitive Insurance Markets, with J. Ligon, Economica, (November 2008), 75: 700-709 |
The Organizational Structure of Insurance Companies: The Role of Heterogeneous Risks and Guarantee Funds, with J. Ligon, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2007) 74: 851-861. |
Trespass, Nuisance and Spam: Eleventh Century Common Law Meets the Internet, with R. Aalberts and P. Poon, Communications of the ACM, (December 2007) 50: 40-45 |
The Effect of Time-on-Market and Location on Search Costs and Anchoring: The Case of Single Family Properties, with T.M. Clauretie, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, (August 2007) 35: 181-196. |
A Behavioral Model of Insurance Pricing, with J. Ligon, Journal of Insurance Issues, (Spring 2007) 30: 46-61. (Special Issue: Insurance Cycles). Donald Hardigree Memorial Outstanding Paper Award |
Generalized Probabilistic Egalitarianism, Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 15, Equity, Peter Lambert (ed.), JAI Press (2007), 7-32. |
Rates and Race: An Analysis of Racial Disparity in Mortgage Rates with T. Boehm and A. Schlottmann, Housing Policy Debate, (2006), 17: 109-149. |
The Formation of Mutual Insurers in Markets with Adverse Selection, with J. Ligon. Journal of Business, (March 2005), 78: 529-555. |
The Property/Liability Insurance Cycle: A Comparison of Alternative Models, with S. Choi and D. Hardigree, Southern Economic Journal, (2002), 68: 530-548. |
Older Publications can be found HERE |
Working Papers |
Large Losses and Equilibrium in Insurance Markets (with L. Posey), April 2017 |
Ambiguity Aversion in Competitive Insurance Markets: Adverse and Advantageous Selection (with R. Peter and A. Richter) August 2017. |
The Impact of CEOs on Firm Value and Its Components, with A. Bolinger and J. Brookman, August 2014, revised May 2017. |
Changes in Risk and Kinked Payoffs: The Case of Initial Public Offerings with Bankruptcy Risk, revised September 2013 |
The Principal-Agent Model When Agents Can Make Mistakes, November 2010, revised February 2014. |
Mistakes, Liability and Negligence, with V. Bajtelsmit, November 2009, revised April, 2014. |
Liability Insurance as Protection Against Legal Error, with V. Bajtelsmit, July 2008. |
A Simple Model of Optimal CEO Turnover, with J. Brookman, March 2006 |
Moral Hazard and Background Risk in Competitive Insurance Markets: The Discrete Effort Case, with J. Ligon, July 2006. (Companion piece to 2008 Economica paper). |
Initial Public Offering Disclosure Rules and Information Production Incentives, with J. Ligon, July 2005. |