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University of Nevada Las Vegas  
BEH 526


Dept. of Finance
4505 Maryland Pkwy
Box 6008
Las Vegas NV 89154


Dept. of Finance
Lee Business School


Selected and Recent Publications
Large Losses and Equilibrium in Insurance Markets (with L. Posey) Genevad Risk and Insurance Review, forthcoming.
Automobile Insurance and Driver Ability: Contract Choice as a Screening Mechanism (with L. Posey), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2017) 42: 141-170
Endogenous Information, Adverse Selection and Prevention: Implications for Genetic Testing Policy, with R. Peter and A, Richter, Journal of Health Economics, (2017) 55: 95-107.
The Use of Genetic Testing in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options (with A. Nill and E. Laczniak), Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming
The Effect of Ambiguity on Rick Management Choioce: An Experimental Study (with V. Bajtelsmit and J. Coats), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2015) 50: 249-280.
Liability, Insurance and the Incentive to Obtain Information About Risk (with V. Bajtelsmit), Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2015) 40:171-193.
Mangerial Compensation: Luck, Skill or Labor Markets? with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (2013) 21:252-268
Background Risk in the Principal Agent Model, with J. Ligon, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (2013): 38:115-126
The IPO Market as a Screening Device and the Going Public Decision: Evidence from Acquisitions of Privately- and Publicly-Held Firms, with T. Mantecon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (October, 2011) 37: 325-361
A Tale of Two Internet Service Providers: A Risk Management Perspective, with R. Aalberts and P. Poon, Communications of the ACM, (April, 2010) 53: 119-123. 
Negligence, Ignorance and the Demand for Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, (December 2009) 34: 1-5-116.
Detours and Frolics on the Internet: Employer Liability and Management Control of Cybertorts, with R. Aalberts and D. Hames, Journal of Business Research, (December 2009), 62: 1335-1341.
The Common Law and Its Impact on the Internet, with R. Aalberts, D. Hames and P. Poon, Advances in Computers, M. Zelkowitz (ed.), Elsevier, forthcoming. 
CEO Tenure, the Risk of Termination and Firm Value, with J. Brookman, Journal of Corporate Finance, (June 2009) 15: 331-344.
The Relative Impact of Public Information in Shaping Investor Expectations, with J. Burnett and C. Carroll, Journal of Applied Business Research, (March/April, 2009), 25: 51-68
The Reasonable Person Negligence Standard and Liability Insurance, with V. Bajtelsmit, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75:815-823.
Adverse Selection with Frequency and Severity Risk: Alternative Risk-Sharing Provisions, with J. Ligon, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2008), 75:825-846. 
Moral Hazard and Background Risk in Competitive Insurance Markets, with J. Ligon, Economica, (November 2008), 75: 700-709
The Organizational Structure of Insurance Companies: The Role of Heterogeneous Risks and Guarantee Funds, with J. Ligon, Journal of Risk and Insurance, (December 2007) 74: 851-861.
Trespass, Nuisance and Spam: Eleventh Century Common Law Meets the Internet, with R. Aalberts and P. Poon, Communications of the ACM, (December 2007) 50: 40-45
The Effect of Time-on-Market and Location on Search Costs and Anchoring: The Case of Single Family Properties, with T.M. Clauretie, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, (August 2007) 35: 181-196.
A Behavioral Model of Insurance Pricing, with J. Ligon, Journal of Insurance Issues, (Spring 2007) 30: 46-61. (Special Issue: Insurance Cycles).  Donald Hardigree Memorial Outstanding Paper Award
Generalized Probabilistic Egalitarianism, Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 15, Equity, Peter Lambert (ed.), JAI Press (2007), 7-32.
Rates and Race: An Analysis of Racial Disparity in Mortgage Rates with T. Boehm and A. Schlottmann, Housing Policy Debate, (2006), 17: 109-149.
The Formation of Mutual Insurers in Markets with Adverse Selection, with J. Ligon. Journal of Business, (March 2005), 78: 529-555.
The Property/Liability Insurance Cycle: A Comparison of Alternative Models, with S. Choi and D. Hardigree, Southern Economic Journal, (2002), 68: 530-548.
Older Publications can be found HERE

Large Losses and Equilibrium in Insurance Markets (with L. Posey), April 2017
Ambiguity Aversion in Competitive Insurance Markets: Adverse and Advantageous Selection (with R. Peter and A. Richter) August 2017.
The Impact of CEOs on Firm Value and Its Components, with A. Bolinger and J. Brookman, August 2014, revised May 2017.
Changes in Risk and Kinked Payoffs: The Case of Initial Public Offerings with Bankruptcy Risk, revised September 2013
The Principal-Agent Model When Agents Can Make Mistakes, November 2010, revised February 2014.
Mistakes, Liability and Negligence, with V. Bajtelsmit, November 2009, revised April, 2014.
Liability Insurance as Protection Against Legal Error, with V. Bajtelsmit, July 2008. 
A Simple Model of Optimal CEO Turnover, with J. Brookman, March 2006
Moral Hazard and Background Risk in Competitive Insurance Markets: The Discrete Effort Case, with J. Ligon, July 2006.  (Companion piece to 2008 Economica paper).
Initial Public Offering Disclosure Rules and Information Production Incentives, with J. Ligon, July 2005.





© 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 Paul Thistle All rights reserved